Cari amici!
Per favore, datemi una bella ricetta di qualcosa molto buono ma facile per preparare dei prodotti che posso trovare in Russia :D vorrei preparare qualcosa per sorprendere Hit (la sua vita dipende da voi :-D )
and please write it in english se possibile :D
ricetta ? [RUS] - [ITA]
Hi dear Hitwoman ok this is first suggestion for you:
[size=24:2730484c93][b:2730484c93]Costolette di maiale alla panna:[/b:2730484c93][/size:2730484c93]
[color=red:2730484c93]6 ribs of pig, 80 g of butter, the juice of 1 lemon, 250 mililiter of cream, 1,2 kg of apples delicious[/color:2730484c93]
(6 нервюр свиньи, 80 г из масла, сок 1 лимона, 250 mililiter из сливк, 1.2 килограмма яблок delicious)
[color=red:2730484c93]To jump the ribs of pig in abundant foaming butter after to have properly jumped them and spiced with pepper. When they are cooked, to remove them the fire and to put them in aside to the warm place. To eliminate the fat formed in frying pan and to deglaze the bottom of baking with the juice of lemon and, at the same time, with the cream.
To arrange the ribs on a plate of capacity and to cover them of very warm sauce abundantly. To serve to part an apple past cooked in least water and passages to the sieve.[/color:2730484c93]
(Поскакать нервюры свиньи в обильном пенясь масле поже правильн для того чтобы поскакать они и ¦spiced¦ с перцем. Когда они сварены, извлечь их пожар и положить их внутри в сторону к теплому месту. Исключить сало сформировал в сковороды и к deglaze дно печь с соком лимона и, в то же самое время, с сливк.
Аранжировать нервюры на плите емкости и покрыть их очень теплого соуса обильно. Служить разделить яблоко за сварено в наименьших воде и проходах к сетке.)
Sorry for my russian, but it is only translator, and it is to help you to understand some words by english.
If you have some question about, i'm ready to answer to you.
for Hitman: if the plate that Hitwoman shall prepare for you is good, remember to offer me a caffè qhen i'll be next time in Milano :D
a big hug and good cooking time :wink:
[size=24:2730484c93][b:2730484c93]Costolette di maiale alla panna:[/b:2730484c93][/size:2730484c93]
[color=red:2730484c93]6 ribs of pig, 80 g of butter, the juice of 1 lemon, 250 mililiter of cream, 1,2 kg of apples delicious[/color:2730484c93]
(6 нервюр свиньи, 80 г из масла, сок 1 лимона, 250 mililiter из сливк, 1.2 килограмма яблок delicious)
[color=red:2730484c93]To jump the ribs of pig in abundant foaming butter after to have properly jumped them and spiced with pepper. When they are cooked, to remove them the fire and to put them in aside to the warm place. To eliminate the fat formed in frying pan and to deglaze the bottom of baking with the juice of lemon and, at the same time, with the cream.
To arrange the ribs on a plate of capacity and to cover them of very warm sauce abundantly. To serve to part an apple past cooked in least water and passages to the sieve.[/color:2730484c93]
(Поскакать нервюры свиньи в обильном пенясь масле поже правильн для того чтобы поскакать они и ¦spiced¦ с перцем. Когда они сварены, извлечь их пожар и положить их внутри в сторону к теплому месту. Исключить сало сформировал в сковороды и к deglaze дно печь с соком лимона и, в то же самое время, с сливк.
Аранжировать нервюры на плите емкости и покрыть их очень теплого соуса обильно. Служить разделить яблоко за сварено в наименьших воде и проходах к сетке.)
Sorry for my russian, but it is only translator, and it is to help you to understand some words by english.
If you have some question about, i'm ready to answer to you.
for Hitman: if the plate that Hitwoman shall prepare for you is good, remember to offer me a caffè qhen i'll be next time in Milano :D
a big hug and good cooking time :wink:
Grazie mille, Mystero!
in "russian" it's smth very funny, thanks for english :D and be sure about un caffe'! ;-)
but do you have smth that also i can eat (not meat) - from chicken for instance (Hit doesn't like pesce :-( ) :wink: grazie ancora!
in "russian" it's smth very funny, thanks for english :D and be sure about un caffe'! ;-)
but do you have smth that also i can eat (not meat) - from chicken for instance (Hit doesn't like pesce :-( ) :wink: grazie ancora!
Sure i have other but all in italian, i'm traslating them for you, give me only the time to prepare them, and you'll have a lot of new plates of foods for the dear Hitman :wink:
Yes chicken too and very delicious to prepare, i'm thinking to to ingredients you can find in your city, and this make my choosing of foods selecting.
Don't worry i'll give you soon a lot of nice prescriptions for foods.
Tell me the traslation in russian is ok or it doesn't mean nothing?
i'm testing the program.
Great hug and ok for caffè eheheh :wink:
Yes chicken too and very delicious to prepare, i'm thinking to to ingredients you can find in your city, and this make my choosing of foods selecting.
Don't worry i'll give you soon a lot of nice prescriptions for foods.
Tell me the traslation in russian is ok or it doesn't mean nothing?
i'm testing the program.
Great hug and ok for caffè eheheh :wink:
The Italian kitchen.... but think is better if you cook some russian dishes!! ;-) It is more nice to your boy-friend ;-)
here there are a lot of italian dishes write in russian language :)
Grazie Grazie!!! :) mia mamma will prepare nice russian food for him :-D and i want smth new, so i'll surely try smth from your advice!
Mystero, now it's possible to find almost everything, maybe except only some strange vegetables that never grew here :roll: so you're welcome!
Mystero, now it's possible to find almost everything, maybe except only some strange vegetables that never grew here :roll: so you're welcome!
[quote:c71cd17169="HitWoman"]Grazie Grazie!!! :) mia mamma will prepare nice russian food for him :-D and i want smth new, so i'll surely try smth from your advice!
Mystero, now it's possible to find almost everything, maybe except only some strange vegetables that never grew here :roll: so you're welcome![/quote:c71cd17169]
remember that hitman will be more happy to cook for u :wink:
Mystero, now it's possible to find almost everything, maybe except only some strange vegetables that never grew here :roll: so you're welcome![/quote:c71cd17169]
remember that hitman will be more happy to cook for u :wink:
remember that hitman will be more happy to cook for u :wink:[/quote:ad3a9cb909]
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Rapi!!! we tried it once, the worst was for Hit, i can survive almost everything :-D
remember that hitman will be more happy to cook for u :wink:[/quote:ad3a9cb909]
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Rapi!!! we tried it once, the worst was for Hit, i can survive almost everything :-D
Forse sono un po' di parte ma suggerisco lasagne, cannelloni, polenta, pizza, tiramisù e un buon caffè.
I is very difficult to find a good coffee in russia.... :-) It is more simple to eat "tiramisù"....may be it is a russian cake!!!! :shock: :-D
[quote:b92a39a8de="luca"]I is very difficult to find a good coffee in russia.... :-) It is more simple to eat "tiramisù"....may be it is a russian cake!!!! :shock: :-D[/quote:b92a39a8de]
No Luca, ora e' possibile a trovare un buon caffe (a casa mia perche' l'ho comprato in Italia :-D ) - aprire un caffeteria e' in moda, percio si puo trovare un bel espresso/cappucino e altri con vario alcol.
E tiramisu' e' un cosa piu' diverso perche' nessuno non conosce che cosa e' :-D
No Luca, ora e' possibile a trovare un buon caffe (a casa mia perche' l'ho comprato in Italia :-D ) - aprire un caffeteria e' in moda, percio si puo trovare un bel espresso/cappucino e altri con vario alcol.
E tiramisu' e' un cosa piu' diverso perche' nessuno non conosce che cosa e' :-D
Sì....è molto buono il caffè che fate in Russia :smt078 Specialmete quello delle caffetterie :smt078 :smt078
[quote:98917ec2f6="luca"]Sì....è molto buono il caffè che fate in Russia :smt078 Specialmete quello delle caffetterie :smt078 :smt078
no, they've bought already some real coffee machines. The next thing is to get rid of greed and use new coffee every time :-D
no, they've bought already some real coffee machines. The next thing is to get rid of greed and use new coffee every time :-D
To have real bar coffee machine and to know how to use it it's different. I'll make good coffee out of your caffettiera :D
[quote:f6b2708297="hitman"]To have real bar coffee machine and to know how to use it it's different. I'll make good coffee out of your caffettiera :D[/quote:f6b2708297]
:P i can make it, too, it's not a big deal. Especially good it's made by couple drops of Baileys ;-)
:P i can make it, too, it's not a big deal. Especially good it's made by couple drops of Baileys ;-)
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